Teaching & Evaluation
The college maintains a transparent, established and well-administered admission process, complying with all statutory norms of the affiliated University guidelines. The channel of admission is through a written test. Admission is strictly merit-based without any bias towards gender / caste / community. One of the major strengths of the institution is its dedicated, experienced, qualified and motivated faculty. The student-centric methods like experimental learning, participative management and problem-solving methods are employed at levels, namely, programme, course and lesson. The institution encourages teachers to use innovative pedagogies of teaching and learning. It is mandatory for all the science faculty to use ICT in their teaching. Students and teachers regularly follow e-resources. Course outcomes based question papers of internal tests and assignments, student academic satisfaction based on a well-structured student feedback mechanism are used to improve the teaching-learning process and to maximize student satisfaction.
Evaluation: Internal assessments following University guidelines and mandatory transparency policy like internal marks display, student-access to evaluated answer scripts. Grievances related to examination are addressed.