  • Dr. Vinod Prasad

Personal Details

NameDr. Vinod Prasad
DesignationAssociate Professor & Head of Department
Date Of Birth05/Dec/1968
Date Of joining28/Jun/2003
MiscellaneousWell acquainted with sophisticated Bio-instruments along with computer software.

Qualification And Specialization Details:

Qualification And Specialization

M. Sc. Ph. D.

Teaching Experience Details:


Plant Taxonomy, Genetics, Molecular Biology, Plant Physiology, Phycology, Mycology and Plant Pathology at Under Graduate level.


Plant Tissue culture and Environmental Biotechnology and Plant Anatomy at postgraduate level 

Research Guidance Details:

Area Of Research


Amrendra Kumar Anand

Study Of Ethnomedicinal Perspectives Of Harbal Contraceptive
Status:- Thesis Submited on 30/01/2016


Study Of Ethnomedicinal Aspect and effects of micronutrients on seismonastic behaviour of Mimosa pudica L

Smt. Seema Kumari

Comparative Studies of antimicrobial effect of phytochemicals extracted from Nyctanthes arbortristis and ocimum sanctum.

Smt. Rekha

Accelerated Clonig in-vitro of some important endangered medicinal plants
1: Indian Birthwort/ snake root (Aristolochia indica
2: Glory Lily (Gloriosa superba)
3: Varuna (Crataena nurvala
4: Rosary pea (Abrus precatorius)



Orientation Course


Refresher Course

Academic Paticipent

Participated in the ‘Exposure Camp” of International Biology Olympiad 2011, Organized by Homi Bhabha Center for Science Education (TIFR) Mumbai from 27th Sept 2011 to 29th Sept. 2011.

Other Academic Participation

Worked as a member of organizing committee of INSPIRE (from 27th Feb.2012 to 2nd Mar. 2012); a DST Programme for the students of +2 level Organized by the Pre- examination Training Centre Patna Science College, PU.


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Administrative Experience:

Administrative Experience

Worked as University Representative of Sikkim Manipal University and Assistant Co ordinator, IGNOU and presently working as Head, Deptt. of Botany and Co ordinate, UGC Centre of Vocational Education in Biotechnology, B. N. College, Patna since last three years.

Awards (If any):


“National Merit Scholarship awardee”

Demo 1

Demo 1

Membership of Academic Bodies:

Life time member of Indian Science Congress

Pioneer member of a journal “Science Mirror”


A book on “Food Processing” for Bihar Open Schooling

A book on "Resham Utpaddan (Silk Production)" for Bihar Board of Open Schoolong and Examination (BBOSE), Patna ISBN: 978-93-83020-76-8

Research Paper:

Journal Papers
  1. Mansur Alam, Faiyaz Ahsan & Vinod Prasad 2014: Synthesis and Microbial Studies of Binuclear Complexes of Nickel (II) and Cobalt (II) oxalatedihydrate with Rb-and Cs. –salts of Oxygen and Nitrogen containing Organic Acids., published in journal of Chemistry and Chemical Sciences, 7/1, regiment Road, Shahjahanabad, Bhopal-462001 MP, (India), Vol 492): Pg 104-108, ISSN 2229-760X, IF-2.89
  2. Amrendra Kr. Anand, Vinod Prasad and Mansur Alam 2015: Physico-chemical Characterization of Usar Soil and its Natural Reclamatation by Cyanobacteria, published in journal of Chemistry and Chemical Sciences, 7/1, regiment Road, Shahjahanabad, Bhopal-462001 MP, (India), Vol-5, ( 4,5&6,) Apri- June 2015, Pg. 145-148, ISSN 2229-760X, IF-2.89
Review Article

Amrendra Kr. Anand, Vinod Prasad and Mansur Alam 2015 Aug: Herbal or Modern Method of Contraception, Choice is Yours, International Journal of Reproduction, Contraception, Obstetrics and Gynecology, Vol 4(4) pg 947-953 ISSN2320-1770

Teaching Meterials:

Exotic Species 2

By Dr. Vinod Prasad

Cellular Respiration

By Vinod Prasad

A popular lecture on Glycolysis

By Dr. Vinod Prasad


By Dr. Vinod Prasad

Organo-chemical Synthesis of Nucleotides

By Vinod Prasad


By Dr. Vinod Prasad

Thallus Structure of Algae

Dr. Rajeev Kumar, Guest Assistant Professor, Department of Botany

General account of Lichens

By Dr. Rajeev Kumar, Guest Assistant Professor, Department of Botany

Morphologiacl and anatomical structure of Gnetum.

Dr. Vinod Prasad

Life cycle of Albugo

Dr. Devanand Kumar, Guest Assistant Professor, Department of Botany, B. N. College, Patna

Life cycle of Ustilago

Dr. Devanad Kumar, Guest Assistant Professor, Department of Botany, B. N. College, Patna

Reproduction in fungi

Dr. Devanand Kumar, Guest Assistant Professor, Department of Botany, B. N. College, Patna

Classification of fungi

Dr. Devanand Kumar, Guest Assistant Professor, Department of Botany, B. N. College, Patna

General characteristics of fungi

Dr. Devanand Kumar, Guest Assistant Professor, Department of Botany, B. N. College, Patna

Economic Importance of Algae

Dr. Rajeev Kumar, Guest Assistant Professor, Department of Botany, B. N. College, Patna

Golgi Apparatus

Dr. Rajeev Kumar, Guest Assistant Professor, Department of Botany, B. N. College, Patna

Cell Membrane

Dr. Rajeev Kumar, Guest Assistant Professor, Department of Botany, B. N. College, Patna

Role of Aneuploidy in Crop Improvement and Genetic Disorders

Dr. Vinod Prasad

Role of Euploidy in Crop Improvement

Dr. Vinod Prasad, Associate Professor, Department of Botany, B. N. College, Patna

Abiotic Components

Dr. Rajeev Kumar, Guest Assistant Professor, Department of Botany, B. N. College, Patna

One-gene-one enzyme hypothesis

Dr. Vinod Prasad, Associate Professor, Department of Botany, B. N. College, Patna

Life cycle of Peziza

Dr. Devanand Kumar, Guest Assitant Professor, Department of  Botany, B. N. College, Patna

Life Cycle of Alternaria

Dr. Devanand Kumar, Guest Assitant Professor, Department of  Botany, B. N. College, Patna

Life cycle of Synchytrium

Dr. Devanand Kumar, Guest Assitant Professor, Department of  Botany, B. N. College, Patna


Dr. Devanand Kumar, Guest Assitant Professor, Department of  Botany, B. N. College, Patna


Dr. Devanand Kumar, Guest Assitant Professor, Department of  Botany, B. N. College, Patna


Dr. Rajeeve Kumar, Guest Assistant Professor, Department of Botany, B. N. College, Patna


Dr. Rajeeve Kumar, Guest Assistant Professor, Department of Botany, B. N. College, Patna

Biotic Environmental Factors

Dr. Rajeeve Kumar, Guest Assistant Professor, Department of Botany, B. N. College, Patna


Dr. Rajeev Kumar, Guest Assistant Professor, Department of Botany, B. N. College, Patna

Studies of Cell Cycle and Mitosis

Dr. Rajeev Kumar, Guest Assistant Professor, Department of Botany, B. N. College, Patna, Study material for B. Sc. Hons. in Botany, Part-II

Studies of structure and functions of plant cell wall

Dr. Rajeev Kumar, Guest Assistant Professor, Department of Botany, B. N. College, Patna, Study material for B. Sc. Hons. in Botany, Part-II

Vegetational Regions/Provinces of India

Dr. Rajeev Kumar, Guest Assistant Professor, Department of Botany, B. N. College, Patna, Study material for B. Sc. Hons. in Botany, Part-II

Studies of structure and functions of Endoplasmic Reticulum

Dr. Rajeev Kumar, Guest Assistant Professor, Department of Botany, B. N. College, Patna, Study material for B. Sc. Hons. in Botany, Part-II

Threats to Biodiversity

Dr. Rajeev Kumar, Guest Assistant Professor, Department of Botany, B. N. College, Patna, Study material for B. Sc. Hons. in Botany, Part-III

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